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The Greeters of Sélestat

®     Born in New York in the 1990s, this concept is now spreading throughout the world. It aims to involve the local population in "participatory tourism", by making them full-fledged hosts, ambassadors of their city. Sélestat, a city of humanists, has natural values of sharing. The network of Sélestat Greeters, created on 15 May 2012, is made up of people who wish to defend these values and pass on to visitors the common passion that drives them: that of their town.

Sélestat, after Mulhouse, is the second city in Alsace to offer this formula !

To enable Sélestat Haut-Koenisgbourg Tourisme to put the visitor in touch with the Greeter, an appointment must be made in order to fix a date for the meeting. The booking form can be found under the portrait of each Greeter.

 So why not come and try out the Greeter-experience in Sélestat ?

More information concerning the International network:

Our greeters

  • Caroline REYS
  • Céline RINCKEL
  • Christine Romanus
  • Fabien JUNGMANN
  • Hugo RAPP
  • Michel KRUCH